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Glass Etch and Pattern Gallery

Other/Unknown Glass Company Patents

(In Progress) (Hits: 6384)
Anchor Manufacturing (12)
George W. Button (18)
Country Store Products (5)
Fox (8)
Griffin Choker Ash Tray (10)
Who actually made the glass is not known at this time
J. T. & A. Hamilton (4)
Hamon (11)
The glass designed by Orville C. Hamon was manufactured by several different companies owned and operated by him and his descendants and friends and is collectively called "Sooner glass" by collectors.
Hemingray (6)
Medco (15)
Nussbaum (4)
Perfection Manufacturing (2)
Located in Washington, PA
Pitman-Dreitzer (104)
Glass was made by other companies, primarily Indiana
Sinclair (8)
Taussaunt (8)
Venon (63)
Vidrio Products (33)
Houze Glass Corporation made the glass items shown in these patents.
Weeks (64)
Zephyr American (9)

20505 images in 994 categories.

Wigginton Mousetrap Patent 1274123-3
Wigginton Mousetrap Patent 1274123-3
Cat: Other/Unknown Glass Company Patents
By: David McInturff
Comments: 0


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