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Elegant and Everyday Glass Forum Museum of American Glass in Weswt Virginia Elegant and Everyday Glass Gallery
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Company History
Company History

Company History
West Virginia Glass Specialty Company, Weston, West Virginia (1930-1987). This was the third glass company established by Louie Wohnic, who also operated the Weston Glass Company (1920-1932) and the Louie Glass Company (founded 1926 in Weston and operated until shortly after 2005). Wohnic himself had a reputation for being one of the best glass blowers in the country. He proved to also be a successful businessman. Before his death in 1950, he also started the Ludwik Glass Company (Glenville, West Virginia, 1940 to the 1950s), a new Weston Glass Company (opened 1944 and not to be confused with the earlier factory of the same name that burned in 1932), and the Huntington Glass Company (established 1945).

The products of these companies were all very similar and it is reported that molds were often moved from one factory to another, making best use of the manpower available to fill orders as needed. In addition to blowing glass, the West Virginia Glass Specialty Company was also known for the decorations offered.

-- Adapted from The Glass Candlestick Book, volume 3, by Tom Felt, Richard & Elaine Stoer. Reprinted with permission.
Date: 08.03.2010 14:01
Hits: 3227
Added by: Tom Felt

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