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Unknown Tulip Sundae
Unknown Tulip Sundae

Unknown Tulip Sundae
Measures 4-1/4" high x 3-1/4" wide at the top. Resembles L.E. Smith's 1938 Tulip Sundae, but with definite differences, including better quality glass. The ringed base in the L.E. Smith drawing here in the Gallery shows the bands going all the way up to the bowl. Also, the bands on the top are bigger at the top than the rest.


This unknown has 5 rings on the foot, a ball stem (totally missing on the Smith item), and then the bowl. The easiest way to tell they are different is the number of rings on the exterior of the bowl; this unknown has 5, and Smith has 6.
Keywords: ring*, band*, crimp*, tulip, sundae
Date: 02.05.2019 18:24
Hits: 988
Added by: Lauri Kennedy

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