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Elegant and Everyday Glass Forum Museum of American Glass in Weswt Virginia Elegant and Everyday Glass Gallery
Glass Etch and Pattern Gallery

Patterns and Blanks

(Hits: 32767)
20528 images in 994 categories.

Fenton  # 201 Special Rose Bowl
Fenton # 201 Special Rose Bowl
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Jesse
Comments: 0

Fenton #   3 Creamer
Fenton # 3 Creamer
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Mike
Comments: 0

Fenton #   3 Jade Creamer & Sugar
Fenton # 3 Jade Creamer & Sugar
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Sarah Plummer - Forevermore Glass
Comments: 0

Fenton #   4 Blue Bird Bon Bon
Fenton # 4 Blue Bird Bon Bon
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Sarah Plummer - Forevermore Glass
Comments: 0

Fenton #   9 Candy Jar
Fenton # 9 Candy Jar
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Suzanne Black
Comments: 0

Fenton #  33 Cocktail Shaker with Ming Etch
Fenton # 33 Cocktail Shaker with Ming Etch
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Gregg Jones
Comments: 0

Fenton #  37 Miniature Hand Vase
Fenton # 37 Miniature Hand Vase
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Sarah Plummer - Forevermore Glass
Comments: 0

Fenton #  53 Cameo Opalescent Bowl
Fenton # 53 Cameo Opalescent Bowl
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Rocky Mueller
Comments: 0

Fenton #  53 Vanity Set
Fenton # 53 Vanity Set
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Gregg Jones
Comments: 0

Fenton # 100 Wide Rib Bowl
Fenton # 100 Wide Rib Bowl
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Sarah Plummer - Forevermore Glass
Comments: 0

Fenton # 100 Wide Rib Bowl
Fenton # 100 Wide Rib Bowl
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Duane
Comments: 0

Fenton # 100 Wide Rib Creamer and Sugar
Fenton # 100 Wide Rib Creamer and Sugar
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Shelly Yergensen
Comments: 0

Fenton # 100 Wide Rib Jug
Fenton # 100 Wide Rib Jug
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Walter Lemiski - Waltz Time Antiques
Comments: 0

Fenton # 184 Ming Etch Vases
Fenton # 184 Ming Etch Vases
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Beverly Anderson
Comments: 0

Fenton # 184 Vase
Fenton # 184 Vase
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Rocky Mueller
Comments: 0

Fenton # 184 Vase with Wistaria etch
Fenton # 184 Vase with Wistaria etch
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Kathy McCarney
Comments: 0

Fenton # 186 Blue Ridge Vase
Fenton # 186 Blue Ridge Vase
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Kathy McCarney
Comments: 0

Fenton # 192 Blue Overlay Candleholder
Fenton # 192 Blue Overlay Candleholder
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Kathy McCarney
Comments: 0

Fenton # 192 Vanity Set with Unknown Decoration
Fenton # 192 Vanity Set with Unknown Decoration
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Ken Nicol
Comments: 0

Fenton # 201 Cranberry Opalescent Special  Rose Bowl
Fenton # 201 Cranberry Opalescent Special Rose Bowl
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Pat Kane
Comments: 0

Fenton # 201 Opalescent Special Shade
Fenton # 201 Opalescent Special Shade
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Rocky Mueller
Comments: 0

Fenton # 220 Lemonade
Fenton # 220 Lemonade
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Bob N.
Comments: 0

Fenton # 231 Rib and Holly and Sprig Compote
Fenton # 231 Rib and Holly and Sprig Compote
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Karen Mantone-Pillar
Comments: 0

Fenton # 249 Three-Toed Flared Bowl
Fenton # 249 Three-Toed Flared Bowl
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Gasman
Comments: 0

Fenton # 315 Princess Candleholder
Fenton # 315 Princess Candleholder
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Jenn Boughter
Comments: 0

Fenton # 315 Princess Candleholder
Fenton # 315 Princess Candleholder
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Jim4brocades
Comments: 0

Fenton # 316 Candlesticks
Fenton # 316 Candlesticks
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Jeff
Comments: 0

Fenton # 318 Candlestick
Fenton # 318 Candlestick
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Alison Flint
Comments: 0

Fenton # 349 bowl
Fenton # 349 bowl
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Beverly Kappenman
Comments: 0

Fenton # 349 Candlestick
Fenton # 349 Candlestick
Cat: Patterns and Blanks
By: Karen Mantone-Pillar
Comments: 0

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