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Diamond # 900 Adam's Rib Tall Covered Candy Jar
Diamond # 900 Adam's Rib Tall Covered Candy Jar

Diamond # 900 Adam's Rib Tall Covered Candy Jar
"Adam's Rib"
Line: #900
Circa: 1925
Colors:Amber, Blue ,Green, Pink, Marigold, Milk and Crystal with Marigold Iridescence also decorated in Florals, Gold, Silver and White Enamels, some flashed Decorations.

Fenton made a similar candy dish. The way you tell the difference is by the tiny protrusion on the knob. Fenton candy dishes lack this feature.
Keywords: pleat, knob, gold, rib*, foot, footed, cover
Date: 25.06.2008 14:09
Hits: 3194
Added by: Rocky Mueller

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