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Beaumont Vase w/ Wheeling D-51 Etch
Beaumont Vase w/ Wheeling D-51 Etch

Beaumont Vase w/ Wheeling D-51 Etch
Seven inches tall and 6 inches wide with a polished pontil and gold encrusted band of the Wheeling D-51 Drapes etch.

Color is blue opaline. Also seen in white.

Thumbnail and photo on the left by courtesy of Blair Trottier; composite photos on the right by courtesy of Ken Nicol.

No documentation has been found for this piece, but the identification is from a knowledgeable source, who added that the vase had a short run and was hard to find.
Keywords: opaline, drapes
Date: 07.02.2009 19:42
Hits: 2645
Added by: Forum Members

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