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Elegant and Everyday Glass Forum Museum of American Glass in Weswt Virginia Elegant and Everyday Glass Gallery
Glass Etch and Pattern Gallery

MacBeth-Evans Chinex Classic
MacBeth-Evans Chinex Classic

MacBeth-Evans Chinex Classic
Chinex Classic was made from the late 1930's through 1942 by MacBeth-Evans as a division of Corning Glass. It is found plain and with several different decals, the most common of which is the Castle design seen here.

Thumbnail of plate is courtesy of Annie Shatrau - DGSO.

Cup & saucer photo above is courtesy of Kathy McCarney.
Keywords: Pie, crust, crimp, swirl, decal, opaque, tableware
Date: 24.01.2005 21:29
Hits: 2735
Added by: Forum Members

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