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Atterbury Sugar Bowl
Atterbury Sugar Bowl

Atterbury Sugar Bowl
Sugar bowl is 6 inches tall to the top of the handle. Randolph, line 2675 by Fostoria is very similar to this pattern. The Randolph lid handle has complete circles instead of the partial circles shown on this piece. The Randolph sugar bowl also has less of the plain area right below the lace edge. In this Atterbury example, the plain area is over 1/2 of the base while it is only about 1/3 on the Fostoria sugar. The Fostoria pattern was made in white, pastel pink, and aqua, while the Atterbury pieces are found in white, green slag, and blue.
Keywords: opaque, 2675, randolph, sugar
Date: 26.11.2011 17:04
Hits: 2497
Added by: Jo Davis

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