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Elegant and Everyday Glass Forum Museum of American Glass in Weswt Virginia Elegant and Everyday Glass Gallery
Glass Etch and Pattern Gallery

Anchor Hocking Bubble Candleholder
Anchor Hocking Bubble Candleholder

Anchor Hocking Bubble Candleholder
AKA Bullseye and Provincial.

the piece is 2" high with a 3 1/2" base.

Production of the Bubble pattern spanned 1940-1968, and the candleholder could potentially be found in any of the same colors as the dinnerware - crystal, sapphire blue, royal ruby, pink, forest green and the black shown above.

Based on information from the Glass Candlestick Book Vol.1 by Felt and Stoer.
Keywords: bubble, ball, circle, dome
Date: 28.08.2022 20:12
Hits: 601
Added by: Veronica Moreland

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