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Elegant and Everyday Glass Forum Museum of American Glass in Weswt Virginia Elegant and Everyday Glass Gallery
Glass Etch and Pattern Gallery

L. E. Smith # 100 "Romanesque"
L. E. Smith #  100 "Romanesque"

L. E. Smith # 100 "Romanesque"
Pattern produced in the late 1920s. Pattern was made in amber, black, green, pink, canary and crystal. Amber and green are easiest to find.

Left: Plate courtesy of Rocky Mueller.

Right: Candlestick courtesy of Mike Horine. "This candlestick has not been reported yet in any book that I know of."
Keywords: web, octagon, candl*, octagon, Lace
Date: 08.03.2004 17:37
Hits: 3690
Added by: Rocky Mueller

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