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Kemple # 50 Art Dressed Figural Vase
Kemple # 50 Art Dressed Figural Vase

Kemple # 50 Art Dressed Figural Vase
This milk glass vase is from a McKee mold.

The following comments refer to the McKee version of the vase:

The vase is usually found with a Nude figure on it. The draped or dressed figure is much more unusual. This style of vase is usually found in Skokie Green, Black, Seville Yellow and Chalaine Blue, but could possibly be found in any other color produced by McKee.

Here is the McKee patent for the nude version of this item. http://chataboutdg.com/gallery/details.php?image_id=5117
Keywords: Deco, Nude, Triangle, figure, lady, dress
Date: 26.07.2006 21:24
Hits: 3432
Added by: Ken Nicol

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