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Elegant and Everyday Glass Forum Museum of American Glass in Weswt Virginia Elegant and Everyday Glass Gallery
Glass Etch and Pattern Gallery

Akro Agate Concentric Rib Cup
Akro Agate Concentric Rib Cup

Akro Agate Concentric Rib Cup
Cup is part of a child's tea set. The children's tea sets were extremely popular during World War II when metals were in short supply; the glass could be cheaply produced. The dishes came packed in box sets of 7 and 21 pieces.

Pieces can be found in any solid Akro color including blue, green, lavender, white, ivory, yellow and pumpkin.
Keywords: ribs, bands, tab
Date: 31.10.2006 22:07
Hits: 6068
Added by: Kathy McCarney

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