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Gallery Structure
Gallery Structure

Gallery Structure

The Glass Etch & Pattern Gallery is organized into categories and their subcategories:

Types of Glass by Manufacturer

  • Elegant & Depression Glass Companies: Patterns, etches, cuts attributed to a particular company

  • Fantasy Glass: Glass that copies a depression or elegant pattern into a color or shape that originally was never produced.

  • Foreign Glass: Glass manufactured outside the U.S.A. ca. 1920 - 1960

  • Look-Alikes: Comparison photos of confusing patterns

  • Miscellaneous Glass: Glass that doesn't fit into any of the other categories

  • Reproductions

  • Unknowns: Mystery pieces with unknown manufacturer, decorator, pattern, etc.

Glass Decorating & Metalwork Companies: Examples
produced for various glass manufacturers

Glass Company History

Glass Marks & Labels by Company

Member Glass Collections

Museum Views: Candid shots in current and former glass museums

Glass-Related Links: Links to member glass dealers, collectors clubs, research institutions, etc.

When you select a subcategory,
the images listed under it will appear in a thumbnail index. Clicking
on a thumbnail will open up a larger image with descriptive text.

The format shown below will be in every listing. The keywords are also clickable links. Other clickable links may also be in the description but will not be visible unless you use your mouse to hover over them.I've added the word egg as a keyword to illustrate the clickable link option.

When using the manual search bar at the top right of your screen, it is always best to use only the first 3 or 4 letters of the word you are searching for followed by an *. You must use at least three letters. Some items such as ashtray or ash tray or candle holder or candleholder are sometimes one word and sometimes two words depending on the manufacturer's catalog data or the volunteer editor and using only the first few letters gets items spelled either way.

The other areas are self-explanatory.
Keywords: egg
Date: 09.08.2007 01:49
Hits: 7170
Added by: Jo. Davis Absolutely Antique

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