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Duncan & Miller # 75 Whitney Crimped Bowl w/ Silver Overlay
Duncan & Miller #  75 Whitney Crimped Bowl w/ Silver Overlay

Duncan & Miller # 75 Whitney Crimped Bowl w/ Silver Overlay
Overlay is Silver City Grape. Diameter is 11 in.

The Whitney pattern is shown in a 1933 trade ad on p 71 of Hazel Marie Weatherman's "Colored Glass of the Depression Era, Book 2." This reference states that the pattern was named after Harry B. Whitney, a glass salesman.

On page 101 of "The Encyclopedia of Duncan Glass" by Gail Krause, under Bowls on Second Row is the exact same bowl noted as " # 75, 11 in. crimped bowl."

As shown in a 1943 catalog in the Weatherman book, Duncan & Miller also designated their Diamond pattern as # 75.
Keywords: grape, vine
Date: 27.10.2007 21:51
Hits: 2866
Added by: Norman Ketchie

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