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Elegant and Everyday Glass Forum Museum of American Glass in Weswt Virginia Elegant and Everyday Glass Gallery
Glass Etch and Pattern Gallery

Akro Agate Octagonal
Akro Agate Octagonal

Akro Agate Octagonal
Made in small and large sizes with either open or closed handles. Pieces include:
Teapot and Lid
Pitcher (Large size only)
Tumbler (Large size only)

COLORS: (Opaque) Light Blue, Medium Blue, Dark Blue, Orange ("pumpkin"), green, yekkow, and white
(Semi-Transparent) Lemonade and Oxblood
(Transparent) Red (RARE)
Keywords: child, children, play, dishes, tea, set, 8, sided, deco
Date: 10.04.2004 21:40
Hits: 5668
Added by: Rick Hirte - Sparkle Plenty Glassware

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