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Elegant and Everyday Glass Forum Museum of American Glass in Weswt Virginia Elegant and Everyday Glass Gallery
Glass Etch and Pattern Gallery

New Martinsville Shelf Vases
New Martinsville Shelf Vases

New Martinsville Shelf Vases
These vases are also called window trim vases. They were identified from page 59 of "New Martinsville Glass, 1900-1944" by James Measell. It shows a copy of an ad from Butler Brothers Catalogue July 1924. These are called Spiral Flute design # 1C2329, 9" high by 3 1/2" wide at top and # 1C2330, 12" by 5". The photo owner has five of the larger vases. They vary in height from 11 1/2", 11 3/4", to 12". Three of them have ground surfaces on the top and bottom. The other two are not ground.
Keywords: flute
Date: 07.01.2008 11:15
Hits: 2382
Added by: Norman Ketchie

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