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Elegant and Everyday Glass Forum Museum of American Glass in Weswt Virginia Elegant and Everyday Glass Gallery
Glass Etch and Pattern Gallery

Fenton Crests

(Hits: 26311)
20528 images in 994 categories.

Fenton # 100 Wide Rib Bowl w/ Crest
Fenton # 100 Wide Rib Bowl w/ Crest
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Mary Czech
Comments: 0

Fenton # 201 Gold Crest Double Crimped Vase
Fenton # 201 Gold Crest Double Crimped Vase
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Suzanne Black
Comments: 0

Fenton # 203 Silver Crest Bowl
Fenton # 203 Silver Crest Bowl
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Sarah Plummer - Forevermore Glass
Comments: 0

Fenton #1924 Rose Crest Basket
Fenton #1924 Rose Crest Basket
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Walter Lemiski - Waltz Time Antiques
Comments: 0

Fenton #3005 Ruby Snowcrest Vase
Fenton #3005 Ruby Snowcrest Vase
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Rocky Mueller
Comments: 0

Fenton #3150 Amber Snow Crest Vase
Fenton #3150 Amber Snow Crest Vase
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Sarah Plummer - Forevermore Glass
Comments: 0

Fenton Aqua Crest Bowl
Fenton Aqua Crest Bowl
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Jonathan Fuhrman
Comments: 0

Fenton Aqua Crest Dresser Set
Fenton Aqua Crest Dresser Set
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Kathy McCarney
Comments: 0

Fenton Black Rose Vase
Fenton Black Rose Vase
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Kathy McCarney
Comments: 0

Fenton Crystal Crest
Fenton Crystal Crest
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Kathy McCarney
Comments: 0

Fenton Emerald Crest Candle Holder
Fenton Emerald Crest Candle Holder
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Kathy McCarney
Comments: 0

Fenton Emerald Crest Flowerpot
Fenton Emerald Crest Flowerpot
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Jonathan Fuhrman
Comments: 0

Fenton Emerald Snow Crest
Fenton Emerald Snow Crest
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Kathy McCarney
Comments: 0

Fenton Emerald Snow Crest #7226 Sherbet
Fenton Emerald Snow Crest #7226 Sherbet
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Sarah Plummer - Forevermore Glass
Comments: 0

Fenton Flame Crest #7333 Relish
Fenton Flame Crest #7333 Relish
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Jonathan Fuhrman
Comments: 0

Fenton Gold Crest Mini Vase
Fenton Gold Crest Mini Vase
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Kathy McCarney
Comments: 0

Fenton Gold Crest Tri-Crimp Bonbon
Fenton Gold Crest Tri-Crimp Bonbon
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Sarah Plummer - Forevermore Glass
Comments: 0

Fenton Rose Crest #36 Vase
Fenton Rose Crest #36 Vase
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Kathy McCarney
Comments: 0

Fenton Ruby Silver Crest  # 835 Vase
Fenton Ruby Silver Crest # 835 Vase
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Kathy McCarney
Comments: 0

Fenton Ruby Snow Crest #7333 Relish
Fenton Ruby Snow Crest #7333 Relish
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Kathy McCarney
Comments: 0

Fenton Silver Crest #7262 Fan Topped Vase
Fenton Silver Crest #7262 Fan Topped Vase
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Bob N.
Comments: 0

Fenton Silver Crest Basket
Fenton Silver Crest Basket
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Jonathan Fuhrman
Comments: 0

Fenton Silver Crest Basket
Fenton Silver Crest Basket
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Kathy McCarney
Comments: 0

Fenton Silver Crest Pieces
Fenton Silver Crest Pieces
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Kathy McCarney
Comments: 0

Fenton Silver Crest Plate
Fenton Silver Crest Plate
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Michael Johnson
Comments: 0

Fenton Silver Crest Spanish Lace Cake Plate
Fenton Silver Crest Spanish Lace Cake Plate
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Norman Ketchie
Comments: 0

Fenton Silver Rose #7330 Footed Bowl
Fenton Silver Rose #7330 Footed Bowl
Cat: Fenton Crests
By: Jenn Boughter
Comments: 0

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