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Elegant and Everyday Glass Forum Museum of American Glass in Weswt Virginia Elegant and Everyday Glass Gallery
Glass Etch and Pattern Gallery


(Hits: 16215)
20528 images in 994 categories.

Bryce #   5A Tempo Water Goblet
Bryce # 5A Tempo Water Goblet
Cat: Stemware
By: David McInturff
Comments: 0

Bryce #  13A
Bryce # 13A
Cat: Stemware
By: Jo. Davis Absolutely Antique
Comments: 0

Bryce #  20 Sherbet w/ Etch 535-1
Bryce # 20 Sherbet w/ Etch 535-1
Cat: Stemware
By: Gregg Jones
Comments: 0

Bryce #  854 Stem w/ 854-1 "Paige" or Scrolls Needle Etch
Bryce # 854 Stem w/ 854-1 "Paige" or Scrolls Needle Etch
Cat: Stemware
By: Jo Davis
Comments: 0

Bryce # 137 Cocktail
Bryce # 137 Cocktail
Cat: Stemware
By: Lyle Fokken
Comments: 0

Bryce # 183-3 Cocktail Glass
Bryce # 183-3 Cocktail Glass
Cat: Stemware
By: Jo. Davis Absolutely Antique
Comments: 0

Bryce # 196 Bi-Color Cocktail
Bryce # 196 Bi-Color Cocktail
Cat: Stemware
By: Walter Lemiski - Waltz Time Antiques
Comments: 0

Bryce # 325 Bi-Color Stem w/ #390 "Scroll"  Etch
Bryce # 325 Bi-Color Stem w/ #390 "Scroll" Etch
Cat: Stemware
By: Mark
Comments: 0

Bryce # 325 Cordial
Bryce # 325 Cordial
Cat: Stemware
By: Jo. Davis Absolutely Antique
Comments: 0

Bryce # 325 Goblet and Unknown Tumbler w/ #325-4 Needle Etch
Bryce # 325 Goblet and Unknown Tumbler w/ #325-4 Needle Etch
Cat: Stemware
By: Granny's Glasses
Comments: 0

Bryce # 325 Stem
Bryce # 325 Stem
Cat: Stemware
By: Jo Davis
Comments: 0

Bryce # 325 Twist Stems
Bryce # 325 Twist Stems
Cat: Stemware
By: Ellen Glassy Antiques
Comments: 0

Bryce # 350 Goblet
Bryce # 350 Goblet
Cat: Stemware
By: Chris Brannon
Comments: 0

Bryce # 350 Goblet w/ # 322 Needle Etch
Bryce # 350 Goblet w/ # 322 Needle Etch
Cat: Stemware
By: Granny's Glasses
Comments: 0

Bryce # 638 Stem
Bryce # 638 Stem
Cat: Stemware
By: Rocky Mueller
Comments: 0

Bryce # 670 Cordial
Bryce # 670 Cordial
Cat: Stemware
By: Janice & Joe Feehan
Comments: 0

Bryce # 670 Diamond Optic Stems & Tumbler
Bryce # 670 Diamond Optic Stems & Tumbler
Cat: Stemware
By: Guest
Comments: 0

Bryce # 670 Sherry
Bryce # 670 Sherry
Cat: Stemware
By: Jo Davis
Comments: 0

Bryce # 678 Goblet
Bryce # 678 Goblet
Cat: Stemware
By: Linda Wilson
Comments: 0

Bryce # 688 Sherbet
Bryce # 688 Sherbet
Cat: Stemware
By: Kathleen Ervin
Comments: 0

Bryce # 688 Stem
Bryce # 688 Stem
Cat: Stemware
By: Rocky Mueller
Comments: 0

Bryce # 688-2 Stem
Bryce # 688-2 Stem
Cat: Stemware
By: Rocky Mueller
Comments: 0

Bryce # 740 Stem
Bryce # 740 Stem
Cat: Stemware
By: Rocky Mueller
Comments: 0

Bryce # 760-1 Goblet w/ Unknown Needle Etch
Bryce # 760-1 Goblet w/ Unknown Needle Etch
Cat: Stemware
By: Granny's Glasses
Comments: 0

Bryce # 784 Stem w/ Fern Leaf Etch
Bryce # 784 Stem w/ Fern Leaf Etch
Cat: Stemware
By: Bruce Tatje
Comments: 0

Bryce # 797-1 w/ Bry1 Etch
Bryce # 797-1 w/ Bry1 Etch
Cat: Stemware
By: Bob N.
Comments: 0

Bryce # 799 Liquor Cocktail
Bryce # 799 Liquor Cocktail
Cat: Stemware
By: Kathleen Ervin
Comments: 0

Bryce # 850 Aristocrat Liquor Cocktail
Bryce # 850 Aristocrat Liquor Cocktail
Cat: Stemware
By: Richard Nurse
Comments: 0

Bryce # 850 Aristocrat Stem
Bryce # 850 Aristocrat Stem
Cat: Stemware
By: Rocky Mueller
Comments: 0

Bryce # 854-4 Stem w/ Floral Etch
Bryce # 854-4 Stem w/ Floral Etch
Cat: Stemware
By: David McInturff
Comments: 0

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