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Cambridge # 647 "Keyhole" Candlestick
Cambridge # 647 "Keyhole" Candlestick

Cambridge # 647 "Keyhole" Candlestick
Frosted decoration had various names depending on date of production and pattern, e.g., Satin Finish, Springtime, which designated product lines, and some names specifying color, e.g., LaRosa Alpine (frosted pink ca. 1938-1943 on Caprice) and Rose du Barry (frosted Peach-Blo). For more information, see the National Cambridge Collectors website and the publication Crystal Ball: http://www.cambridgeglass.org/crystalball.php
Keywords: 647, 3400, candl*, frosted, alpine, satin, springtime, key*, two, double, duo
Date: 09.07.2013 11:41
Hits: 2373
Added by: Jim4brocades

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