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Elegant and Everyday Glass Forum Museum of American Glass in Weswt Virginia Elegant and Everyday Glass Gallery
Glass Etch and Pattern Gallery
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Found: 3 image(s) on 1 page(s). Displayed: image 1 to 3.

Corex Ivory Piecrust
Corex Ivory Piecrust
Cat: Monique Rheaume's Collections
By: Monique Rheaume
Comments: 0

Corning Pyrex Canada Corex Mug
Corning Pyrex Canada Corex Mug
Cat: Patterns & Blanks
By: Walter Lemiski - Waltz Time Antiques
Comments: 0

Corning Pyrex Canada Corex Mug Handle
Corning Pyrex Canada Corex Mug Handle
Cat: One-Hole Handles
By: Walter Lemiski - Waltz Time Antiques
Comments: 0